目前分類:About Genie Chuo (49)

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Event: Genie Chuo [My Favourite Kind of Geniie] Autograph Session
卓文萱 [超級喜歡] 簽唱會
Date: 17th January 2009 (Saturday)
Time: 2pm

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Genie will be having a campus concert at Nanyang Technological University.

Date: 15th January 2009 (Thursday)
Venue: NTU, Lee Kong Chian Lecture Theatre
Time: 7.30pm
主持: Yes 933 志勇

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Good news! Genie's song [愛的城堡 ] went up to Yes 933 chart, Top 20th!

It is just the beginning﹐let's come together and help to push this song up to top 10th alright? =)

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[] 輕熟性感盤

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YES 933 will broadcast Genie's new song TODAY!
Please keep a look out for the song at Y.E.S 93.3FM !
There might be broadcasting some other new songs from tomorrow onwards too!

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26 October 2008, Sunday, 11.20am [ 1st episode ]


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(Normal Version)

(Limited Special Version)

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For Your Information:
Rolling Love DVD part 1 are already available in Singapore!
There are 6 episodes in part one.
There is promotion going on I reckon.
Usual price is S$29.90.

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翻滾吧!蛋炒飯 原聲帶  13th June 2008 全島發行!

[ Edited Entry on 14/06/08 ]

Hey Peeps,

First of all, I'd like to thank all of you for being so supportive

on Genie's Rolling Love Original Sound Track.

I knew that you people searched high and low from many CD

outlets to purchase the album this two days, but to no avail.

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Please help Genie to vote her new song, Lalala 愛情密碼
at Y.E.S 933 醉心龙虎榜.
We can do this by helping her to promote her new song,
as well as to let more people know about who is Genie 卓文萱!

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*注意﹗* 華藝星光十傑網路人氣票選活動﹐你投票了嗎?

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